Bathymetry Survey for dredging, navigation and project planning
Shallow Seismic surveys for identification of sub-bottom profile beneath the sea bottom
Side Scan Sonar for positioning of obstructions in bottom of sea for under water construction, removal of sunken ships/wreaks, shifting, laying, removing sub-bottom pipelines etc
Multi-Beam surveys for complete hydrographic surveys
Sea bed investigation for notifying Anchorage area, navigation aids and other sub-sea works.
Wave Prediction Model for forecasting significant wave heights
Tidal flow model for orientation of jetties/marine structures
Sediment Transport model for predicting siltation rates and identification of dredge disposal ground for capital dredging
Dispersion model for disposal of dredged stuff in high sea to properly disperse the stuff, discharge of treated effluents for proper dilution in high sea etc
Shore line changes models for predicting shoreline changes and shore line retreat in respect of port structures aligned along the coast as a part of Impact Analysis
Storm surge and Tsunami model for identification of coastal hazard area
Identification of suitable sites for Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility
Characterization and Quantification of Hazardous Wastes from the Industries as per technical & legal definitions of the wastes
Design, Execution and O&M of TSDF consists of Landfill, Incinerator, ETP and Re-processing of the wastes for re-use and recycling reducing load on TSDF.
Complete legal compliance and Securing Environmental Clearances for TSDF as per HW Rules-2008.